Corporate partenrships
Business Partnerships
Regardless of the type of company you own, its business activities or its size, you too can become an integral part of our initiative to promote awareness and improve measures regarding safety involving recreational water activities and the prevention of accidents.
In accordance with the definition provided in the Green Bible regarding Corporate Social Responsibility (European Committee 2001), “Corporate Social Responsibilityis a concept whereby companies integrate voluntary social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders, and understand that responsible behavior leads to sustainable business success"
Safe Water Sports team proposes some ways on how you can participate in our initiative and is at your disposal to coordinate and define a plan with you tailored to your company’s corporate social responsibility efforts.
Safe Water Sports Team participates and organizes a multitude of events that promote our initiative in addition to informing the general public on issues related to water safety and recreational water sports. Sponsoring our initiative not only promotes a positive image for your organization, but for limited costs and simply by including your Company’s Logo next to ours, it subtly increases your organizations visibility and exposure.
Donations, Monetary or Goods or Services
Supporting the Safe Water Sports initiate through donations, whether monetary or goods and services, would greatly improve our operating costs. We also rely heavily on information technology to promote our initiative and any such help (ex. computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, televisions, supplies, cables, etc.) will benefit us greatly.
Promotions and Advertising
Mass Media, (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, websites, etc.,) are sources that can play an essential role in relaying our message simply by allotting us some space and/or time on their platforms to promote safety awareness to the general public. Informational flyers, their design and print aspects, also serve as a persuasive tool to spread our message regarding water safety and the prevention of accident helping to ensure that that no other lives are lost. Your other Websites, simply include our Safe Water Sport logo, banner, or URL, on your website so that you too can participate in promoting recreational water safety on the Internet.