Our actions
The main actions of the Organization that operate in both Greece and Cyprus are the following:
Pan-Hellenic Control and Inspection Information System
Safe Water Sports has provided the Ministry of Maritime and Island Policy alongside with the Port Authorities in Cyprus, at absolutely no cost, with an Integrated Pan-Hellenic Control & Inspection Information System regarding a broad range of water-related activities.
Through this Information system, Port Authorities manage online a range of activities such as the licenses of water sports centers (the existence of lifeguards at beaches, water sports, daily cruises etc), use tablets and a specially formed app the controls and inspections that take place on a regular basis, control any violations and fines imposed and monitor any potential deficiencies.
Observatory of accidents
Safe Water Sports has etsablished in cooperation with the State the ''Observatory for accidents'' which allows for the accurate recording of data related to drownings and accidents at sea and internal waters (polls, lakes, rivers etc) in cooperation with the Hellenic Coast Guard and the Hellenic Police respectively.
The Organization has udnertakes the statistical analysis of data of the Observatory, in order to plan the national policy for supporting prevention activities amining at the continuous reduction of loss of life.
Legislative initiatives
Safe Water Sports proposes, participates and contributes significantly to the modernization of the wider institutional framework regarding water safety in the aquatic environment.
To date, the Organization has contirbuted to four major legislative initiatives regarding:
the PD 71/2020 issued by the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy (alongside with the PD 30/20120) regarding the operation of lifeguards' schools and the presence of lifeguards at beaches
the General Regulation No. 20 of 2018 and 2022 (for water sports and any water-related activities) issed by the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy
the regulation No 4688/2020 «Special forms of tourism, provisions for the development of tourism and other provisions» issued by the Ministry of Tourism &
the establishment of the National Day for the Prevention of sea-related accidents & drownings (N. 4597/28-2-2019) by the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy
Educational Program
Safe Water Sports Organization has created an educational program for students at primary schools, which is approved by the Ministry of Education in Greece and Cyprus and focuses on raising awareness among students of issues related to safety at the beach,at sea, in water sports and generally in any activities that take place in the water. In 2018, the program was first presented at SNFCC (Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center) under the auspices of the President of the Republic.
Since 2020, the educational program for primary schools has been included in the platfrom 21+ of the Institute of Educational Policy and became part of the compulsory program schedule of all schools in the country.
Additionally, the Organization in cooperation with the Hellenic Coast Guard - Directorate of Port Police, presents an extended educational program of lectures, named CHECK - LEARN - CARE, in order to educate students at schools.
The educational program that combines learning and fun, covers the basics that children need to know well in order to be safe at sea, while swimming, or doing water sports or any other sea-related activity. The program includes inspirational videos, quizzes, games, the educational bag etc.
Each year 40,000 students are informed through this program.
Safe Water Spors app
Safe Water Sports has developed an electronic platform for public awareness which is available online via our website https://safewatersports.com/ but mainly via mobile phone applications (apps) for free. Through this platform, which is available in Greek, English and French, citizens can easily find useful information in Greece and Cyprus such as:
ALL the legitimate water sports rental agencies, 3.400+ beaches including their characteristics, Port Authorities, hospitals, marinas, the applicable safety regulation for each water sport etc.
Αwareness campaigns for the elderly
The Organisation executes a large number of awareness actions aimed at informing the elderly about the dangers and precautionary measures they must consider when they go to the sea. The program has been designed under the auspices of the Ministry of Shipping & Island Policy, the Coast Guard and the support of the Ministry of Health.
Water Sports Certification
In collaboration with the world-famous certification organization called TUV AUSTRIA HELLAS (independent control and certification body) the Organization created a ‘’Compliance Control and Quality Private Protocol’’ for water sports rental centers regarding safety measures. The water sports center that wishes to be certified, is granted with the specified "Water Sports Certified Quality’’ model. To date, 40 water sports centers have been certified with this model.
Collaboration with the Local Government
The Organization works closely with local authorities in order to implement two key actions:
• Placement of awareness signs regarding safety at the beach and the sea. To date, more than 500 awareness signs have been placed to various beaches across Greece.
• Operation of informational awareness kiosks at beaches during summer time (June-August), where children can participate at no cost and engage themselves in a series of fun games that teach how to be safe at sea and while doing water sports activities.
Collaboration with foreign countries
1.- Cyprus
Nearly all of the Organization’s actions are implemented in Greece and Cyprus. The Organiazation has signed cooperation agreements with state agencies in the island.
2.- France
Safe Water Sports partners with the French Embassy of Athens and the French Institute based on the Memorandum of Cooperation. The official French website recommends that French visitors should download Safe Water Sports app in order to enjoy their holiday with safety. In addition, the French Institute has undertaken the translation of the educational material into French.
3.- United Kingdom
The Organization partners with the British Embassy of Athens to inform UK citizens who visit our country about the use and the importance of Safe Water Sports app.
Below you can read the Corporate Profile of the Organization: