Our story: How everything began
Safe Water Sports is a non-profit organization founded in June 2015 with the interest of providing information and raising awareness to the general public on safety matters related to recreational water activities and water sports with great emphasis on safety standards and the prevention of drownings and sea-based accidents.
Its primary scope is the information and sensitization of citizens, mostly children, on all matters relating to both water and sea activities (sports and recreation), emphasizing on safety and accident-prevention issues and the implementation of actions in collaboration with the Private and Public sector aiming at the reinforcement of safety issue at the aquatic environment.
Greece is ranked 11th globally in the list of countries with the longest coastline (13,676 kilometers). Each year 50,000 European citizens are injured while doing water sports, whereas in our country, 325 deaths occur each year in the sea. Drowning is considered as the second leading cause of accidental death for children 1-14 years of age.
Safe Water Sports initiative was launched as a result of a tragic incident that occuded in the summer of 2014 in Mykonos island, when the 10-year-old boy, named Michael Paschalakis, lost his life while doing water sports with his friends. Michael's father, Mr. Panagiotis Paschalakis, is the founder and President of Safe Water Sports