Educational Bag

Total of students who are informed through the educational bag since 2018:
Interactive games, especially for young ages, are considered to be the most effective means of education.
Safe Water Sports Organization’s educational program, approved by the Ministry of Education, “travels’’ across all elementary schools of the Greek periphery, through a specially designed suitcase.
The purpose of the Program is to inform students about the basic safety rules at beach, in the sea, in the swimming pool and in water sports.
The educational bag ("training suitcase") was designed by educators, psychologists and graphic designers for children aged 5-11 (Kindergarten and Primary School). No special knowledge or training is required for the teacher/educator to perform the activities of the educational bag.
The content of the educational bag includes:
• Informational material for the instructor
• Representation of a beach with Playmobil toys (in puzzle format)
• Illustrated card guidelines concerning safety at the beach, in the sea, in the swimming pool and in water sports
• ''Find the error'' games
• Board games
• Memory cards
• Constructions
• Color books
• Story cubes
• the CD of Safe Water Sports
• The book "Octopus Safe and the Three Seaguards" written by Vangelis Eliopoulos and published by PATAKIS publications
The suitcase is suitable for schools, children's camps, hotels, swimming pool centers, etc.
Contents of the educational bag
How can you get it?
SchoolS and kindergartens can borrow the bag. All the rest interested parties (such as camps, swimming pool centers, hotels, etc.), the bag is available only for purchase.
The period of borrowing lasts for 2 weeks since the date of receipt.
Purchase: For more information about the process of purchase, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Borrow: The bag is sent to your school via a courier company with which we cooperate. During return, the suitcase is picked up from the school by the same company in order to be returned to SafeWaterSports. The shipment and return order is made by SafeWaterSports upon telephone consultation with you in order to specify the exact delivery day and time.
The school that wishes to borrow the educational bag will be in charge of the transportation cost that is set by the Courier company and depends on its distance away from Athens. The payment can be made in one of the following ways:
• Pay on Delivery when the suitcase is received
• Deposit in our bank account (please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to inform us about your deposit)
* The receipt is sent in an electronic form during the first 10 days of the next month of payment’s collection.
If you would like to receive and return the educational bag to Safe Water Sports offices, you can do this if you submit an authorization from the Head of the School and you have previously contacted with the Organization in order to arrange an appointment (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Borrowing Safe Water Sports Educational Bag to the prefectures of Greece:
During the 1st ''Conference of Seaguards'' that was orgnizaded on October, 5, 2019, the following schools were awarded for their participation in the educational program throughout the school period of 2018-2019 and were honored with a donation of one educational bag to each one of it:
Prefecture of Attica: 1st Primary School of Agios Stefanos
Prefecture of North Aegean: 3rd Primary School of Myrina in Limnos
Prefecture of Western Greece: 12th Primary School of Patra
Prefecture of Western Macedonia: Primary School of Asvestopetra in Kozani & Primary School of Olympiada in Kozani
Prefecture of Epirus: Primary School of Eleousa Arta
Prefecture of Ionian: Primary School of Spartyla Corfu
Prefecture of Crete: Primary School of Gournes
Prefecture of Central Greece: 8th Primary School of Chalkida
Prefecture of Central Macedonia: Primary School of Kedyllia, Serres
Prefecture of Thessalia: Primary School of Larissa
Prefecture of Peloponnisos: Primary School of Sperchochia, Messinia
Prefecture of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace: 1st Primary School of Komotini
Prefecture of South Aegean: 8th Primary Shcool of Rhodes
Any school that is located on one of the 13 Prefectures of Greece and wishes to borrow the educational bag, it may contact with the awarded school of the Prefecture accordingly.
The Organization's mission is to raise awareness to as many students as possible.