Legislative Initiatives
Safe Water Sports proposes, participates and contributes significantly to the modernization of the wider institutional framework regarding water safety in the aquatic environment.
To date, the Organization has contirbuted to four major legislative initiatives regarding:
the PD 71/2020 issued by the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy (alongside with the PD 30/20120) regarding the operation of lifeguards' schools and the presence of lifeguards at beaches
the General Regulation No. 20 of 2018 (for water sports and any water-related activities) issed by the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy
the regulation No 4688/2020 «Special forms of tourism, provisions for the development of tourism and other provisions» issued by the Ministry of Tourism &
the establishment of the National Day for the Prevention of sea-related accidents & drownings (N. 4597/28-2-2019) by the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy