Safety rules in inland waters (lake, river)
Ιnland waters is a river, a canal, a lake, or generally a place where water is not salty. However, all these places hide their own dangers.
How to stay safe at the lake:
- You should never leave a child all alone. You should get into the water together and always hold hands.
- You should stay away from edges of the lake.
- Lakes can have a real depth so you should always stay close to the shore.
- Children should NEVER follow their toys if the wind blows them away or if they fell into the lake.
- Be aware that some ponds and lakes may hide jaggedtrocks, broken bottles, or garbage so your should wear something to protect your feet.
How to stay safe around rivers:
- Since banks of rivers can crumble easily under your feet stay away from edges.
- Be aware of the depth! Do not cross by a river because its depth may change suddenly.
- Reeds and weeds can also hide deep water.
- Βe careful of the rubbish that can be found in the rivers such as broken glass that may cause injuries.
- Rivers may have strong currents that can carry you off.
- Be aware of the weirs! A weir is a barrier built across a river to slow it down or change its flow. They may look safe and fun if you are in a canoe but they are not. The pressure of the water at the bottom can drag you under-and keep you there. So you should never reach weirs.
- Be careful with the rapids! You should avoid rapids and not approaching them.
Πηγή: Water Safety Ireland,kidshealth.org