Water safety at home
Water safety guidelines at home
Do not leave your kid alone and unattended. If you must answer the phonecall or open the door, do not let another child supervise his/her younger brother/sister. Instead, wrap your baby in a towel and take it with you.
Check the water temperature! Hot water can be extremelly dangerous, especially for children younger than 5 years of age because their skin is thinner, so can burn more easily. Keep in mind that just 3 seconds of exposure to tap water of (60°C) can cause a third-degree burn. Thermal burns may happen because of steam, hot bath water, coffee/tea cups, hot food.
Be careful with the slippery ares in the bathroom. In order to stay safe, you can put a plastic bath mat that adheres to the tub.
Always empty immediately the bath after use. Never leave a bathtub, bucket, or any other container filled with water.
Never use a bathtub seat without constant supervision because the seat can overturn and the baby slip into the water.
Close toilet lids and use seat locks to prevent drowning.
Keep your bathroom doors closed at all times.
Be aware if there are rough corner edges in the bathroom because the child may get injured.
It is better to avoid bathtubs with foam cushions because the baby may swallow them.
Gather ahead of time shampoo, soap and towels in order not to look for them while bathing the baby.
Adults who suffer from sudden panic attacks, it is better to use showers rather than baths.
Source: kidshealth.org