1.It is handled by people over eighteen (18) as well as by people who know how to swim. (section B a Number of protocol: 2133.1/35411/2017/16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
2. The operator has a speedboat license. (section B b Number of protocol: 2133.1/35411/2017/16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
3. Throughout its use, people shall wear a lifebuoy, which is smooth, soft, free of additional components or materials that could cause injury in the event of a collision, it provides adequate protection against damage to the sides or internal organs and has the ability to keep them on the surface. (section C 1 Number of protocol: 2133.1/35411/2017/16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
4. NO inflatable lifebuoys are used. (section C 1 Number of protocol: 2133.1/35411/2017/16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
5. Its circulation takes place
a) when weather conditions prevail with wind intensity up to four (4) Beaufort.
b) after sunrise/before sunset and in any case, when visibility is not limited.
The wind intensity is measured and recorded with the portable digital anemometer at the place of activity of the lessor (section B c-d Number of protocol: 2133.1/35411/2017/16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄ in conjunction with Article no33, General Port Regulation No20)
6. It was found that it has an automatic immobilization system (QUICK STOP) to turn off the engine when the operator falls into the sea.
(section B e Number of protocol: 2133.1/35411/2017/16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
7. Its use is NOT carried out in rocky sea-based areas or outside sheltered bays or coves.
(section B ST-z Number of protocol: 2133.1/35411/2017/16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
8. Its use is NOT carried out at a distance of less than two hundred (200) meters from the external part of the floating buoys that indicate the limits that are usually reached by swimmers in the bathing facilities.
(section B Number of protocol: 2133.1/35411/2017/16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
9. Its use is NOT carried out at a distance of less than three hundred (300) meters from the usual point to which the swimmers reach when they swim in the areas that are not marked with floating buoys.
(section B θ Number of protocol: 2133.1/35411/2017/16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
10. Its use was NOT detected at a speed higher than five (5) knots at a distance greater than five hundred (500) meters from the shoreline in the areas where there are no bathers.
(section B i Number of protocol: 2133.1/35411/2017/16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
11. Its movement was NOT detected within sea areas of normal passage of ships, as well as within ports, marinas and fishing shelters and at a distance of less than one (01) nautical mile from their entrances.
(section B ia Number of protocol: 2133.1/35411/2017/16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
12. It was found that there must not be on board more people than those specified by the manufacturer.
(ch. Β ib No. Prot .: 2133.1 / 35411/2017 / 16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
13. The operator should be careful in order not to disturb the swimmers.
(ch. C 2 No. Prot .: 2133.1 / 35411/2017 / 16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
14. It was found that the place of performance is controlled and the conditions of safe performance that are set by the manufacturer are aligned in accordance with the lessor.
(ch. C 3 No. Prot .: 2133.1 / 35411/2017 / 16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
15. The lessor has created a wide channel (corridor) of seven (7) to twenty (20) meters. There have been placed suitable yellow, conical-shaped floating buoys on the right side and a cylindrical shape on the left side of the entrance, which are placed at a distance of three (3) meters from each other.
(Article 27 par. 1 and 2 General Port Regulation 20)
16. The start and return from or to the place of the lessor takes place within the delimited channel Article 27 of GPR 20 and shall not develop speed greater than five (5) nodes.
(ch. C 4 No. Prot .: 2133.1 / 35411/2017 / 16-5-2017 DGI DLA G΄)
17. The status of renters of water-related recreational activities is contolled by the lessor and includes data such as:
aa) personal details (name, surname, age, nationality, ID / Passport No. or address of residence and contact number).
(bb) the year, date and time of its commencement lease.
(Article 24 par. 1 par. L) GPR 20)
18. The lessor or the person assigned by him in the license in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 9 of Article 23 (GPR 20), remains himself in the area of activity for the entire period during which the water-related recreational means are leased. In the absence of the persons described previously, the rental of water-related recreational activities is prohibited.
(Article 24 par. 1 ed f) GPR 20)
19. The lessor has a LIFE BOAT (small motor-powered professional boat in orange color, in which there is an indication of ΄΄ ΣΩΣΤΙΚΟ ΣΚΑΦΟΣ ΄΄ written in Greek and΄΄RESCUE BOARD΄΄ in English, which is capable of developing speed of at least 12 knots, equipped with life-saving and fire-fighting equipment, sanitary and dressing equipment as well as a circular life buoy with a rope of 30 meters length).
(Article 24 par. GPR 20)
20. Professional License for the execution of sailing in force of the lifeboat since there is an individual boat – jet ski.
(Article 23 par. 5e GPR 20)
21. Insurance contract for the coverage of civil liability against third parties in force.
(Article 23 par. 5c GPR 20)
22. The lessor has a folding stretcher, a portable respiration device and a photocopy of the license of leasing water sports.
(Article 24 par. 1b, c, d GPR 20)
23. The word "school center" is NOT written on the site of the facility or nearby.
(Article 24 par.3 GPR 20)
24. The rental space is exactly the same as the one indicated in the rental license.
(Article 24 par. 1m) GPR 20)
25. The water-related recreational activities that are leased are exactly the same in type and in number as those listed in the license lease.
(Article 24 par.2 GPR 20)