1. This newer recreational water sport accessories JETPACKS, are components to Personal Water Craft, JET SKIS, ιn the form of packs worn on the riders back connected with two nozzles. The JET PACK is connected to a Jet Ski by a hose where water is thrust from the PWC to the Jet PACK, causing the device to elevate into the air. The rider can redirect the thrust as desired in order to maneuver the Jetovator accordingly.
2. The leasing of equipment which elevate riders for recreation, Jet Packs, has been approved in accordance with the Hellenic Port Authority Rules Article #36 of #20 and under the following conditions:
3. When leasing or renting Jet Packs the following is required
The operator must also be the lessor and must have a valid powerboat license.During use and navigation, the operator/rider must adhere to the provisions under the ‘International Rules and Regulations Preventing Collision at Sea, 1972’(IRPC’72).
Lessors are solely responsible for the following prior to leasing any equipment which include
a. Fully inform the lessee of the equipment, connections, their use, manufacturer safety measures andb. Thorough and detailed inspections for all Flyboard equipment, components and connections to the Jet Ski.
Operators/Riders must be equipped with a
a. Protective Wetsuit
b. Specialized Personal Flotation Device
c. Protective HelmutOperators/Riders must be equipped with a ‘Quick-Stop’
Takeoff and landing must be via a predefined waterway and less than five (05) knots according to the Hellenic Port Authority Rules, Article 27, Section#20.
7. Restrictions:
a. Granting rental licenses to an individual for more than one (1) Jet Pack is prohibited.
b. Use is prohibited by individuals who do not know how to swim, are under eighteen (18) years of age and who are under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances.
c. Use is prohibited before sunrise and after sunset hours, during adverse weather conditions (wind speeds greater than four (4) Beaufort, waves higher than one (1) meter).
d. Use is prohibited seas with depths less than four (4) meters.e. Use is prohibited in distances:
i. Greater than two (2) nautical miles from the shoreline.
ii. Less than two hundred (200) meters from floating buoys/markers establishing boundaries where swimmers frequent.
iii. Less than three hundred (300) meters from sea-areas where swimmers frequent yet buoys/markers are not evident.
iv. Less than five hundred (500) meters from sea-areas not frequented by swimmers nor have floating buoys.
v. Less than one hundred-fifty (150) meters from buoys/markers denoting other underwater activities or sports.
vi. Less than one hundred (100) meters from anchored boats, floating platforms, rocky areas and other obstacles.
vii. Less than a one (1) mile radius from the entrances of and restricted within all piers, docks, fish farm areas.
f. Use is prohibited when speeds are greater than eighteen (18) knots and at heights (the maximum height between the sea surface and the hose) greater than four (4) meters.
g. Use is prohibited when the number of riders is greater than the number specified by the manufacturer.8. Rental Licenses must depict the above rules and requirements in addition to the Jetovator description, connections, lifting equipment, and any other pertinent details.
9. With respect to all other cases, applicable are the provisions found in the Hellenic Port Authority Rules (B’444/1999), #20.