- The use of recreational Water Parks and their various amusement or play areas is permitted only when the appropriate licenses for leasing such areas have been obtained and are in accordance with the specific regulations.
- All facilities and amusement areas within the waterpark must comply with the requirements found in Directive 2001/95/EK which was incorporated in our legislation through the Common Ministerial Decision Z3/2810/14-12-2004 (GG 1885 B’), in addition to the harmonized standards EN 15649 (sections 1-7) which have in turn been incorporated within our national system of standardization and valid under the ELOT EN national standards.
- The maximum allowable depths required for installing a Waterpark is defined by the manufacturers specifications.
- The proper installation (location, assembly, fastening, securing) of the various components that comprise the waterpark deeming it safe and secure for the general public is the sole responsibility of the lessor. The lessor must also ensure that round, yellow floating buoys are situated at a distance of four (4) meters apart, establishing the boundaries around the waterpark.
- The distances from where the waterpark is installed must not exceed forty (40) meters in either direction, lengthwise from the shoreline and out towards the open seas.
- The maximum numbers of participants/users on the waterparks specific facilities are defined by the respective manufacturers specifications.
- A qualified lifeguard must be present and employed by the lessor for the duration of the lease of such equipment in accordance to the Act/Law 23/2000 (A’18). Note that a podium and/or lifeguard or special gear stand in accordance with the related Administrative Act, is not required.
- Restrictions include
a. The installation of a waterpark and related its components is prohibited when on or near on rocky shores, in shallow waters with rocky seabeds, in unprotected bays, coves, inlets, and in depths less than fifty (50) centimeters.
b. The simultaneous operation of any other activities within the waterparks vicinity (anchored boats, fishing, etc.).
c. The operation or use of the waterparks facilities by individuals younger than twelve (12) years of age and by individuals who do not know how to swim is prohibited. For minors, individuals under the minimum age requirement, the parents or guardians must provide written consent and must also confirm the minors’ ability to swim properly.
d. The operation or use of the waterparks facilities when winds speeds are four (4) Beaufort or greater.
e. The operation or use of the waterparks facilities prior to sunrise and after the sunset hours. The lessor/owner is responsible for disassembling and removing all equipment the latest one hour after sunset and reassemble the earliest one hour before sunrise. - The restrictions listed in Item #8, bullet c., must be noted clearly depicted on an appealing, two-sided sign, written in both the Greek and English languages and displayed near the owners/lessors offices.