Water Blobbing is a recreational water activity where two participants are required and a watertight semi-inflated air bag aka water blob or trampoline. Participants board the water blob via a floating platform or boat, participant one (blobber) then boards and situates himself at the opposite end of the blob. Participant two (jumper) jumps onto the water blob, launching the blobber into the air ultimately landing in water.
- Water Blobbing is prohibited when/to:
- Individuals less than sixteen (16) years of age and who cannot swim. For minors, younger than the minimum age but no less than twelve (12) years old, participation is allowed only when guardian/parental consent is provided confirming too that the minor knows how to swim.
- Sea areas such as waterways, ports, piers, fish farm areas and the perimeter around these areas for distances defined based on the specifics of each location defined by the Hellenic Port Authorities, which for all cases is not less than five hundred (500) meters.
- During adverse weather conditions (wind speeds of five (5) Beaufort and higher).
- Before the sunrise and after the sunset hours and in all cases where visibility is limited.
- Sea areas with depths less than three (3) meters.
- Other water activities, such as swimming, anchored boats, boating are at a range of lees than six (6) meters and when objects such as buoys, stakes, etc.
- In enclosed areas or when there’s objects overhead less than five (5) meters in height that can endanger the jumper.
- Within organized beach areas.
- Swimming underneath the Water Blob is prohibited at all times.
- Participants must at all time be equipped with a personal flotation device (jacket type) and a protective helmet.
- The difference in weight between the jumper and the blobber must be less than thirty (30) kilos for children and sixty (60) kilos for adults. All participants must have a proper understanding of the equipment and its uses in addition to being healthy and fit.
- The height of the jump cannot exceed five (5) meters from the waters surface.
- The area surrounding the device should be closely monitored and the lessor must implement and adhere to all manufacturers safety standards and rules.
- The lessor is solely responsible for ensuring the safety of the sea area and landing zones surrounding the installation, that the minimum depth requirements have been met and that the device is properly inflated, assembled and secured for use without risks related to anchor lines. Before each and every use, the lessor must clearly inform the participants with all instructions, safety measures and all mandatory security measures.
The terms and conditions must appear on the respective licenses obtained.
With respect to all other cases, applicable are the provisions found in the Hellenic Port Authority Rules (B’444/1999), #20.
- Water Blobbing is prohibited when/to: