1. Individuals less than eighteen (18) years of age are prohibited from operating an Oxoon.
2. Individuals less than twelve (12) years of age are prohibited from participating or boarding the craft.
3. Participants must wear Personal Flotation Devices at all times, must know how to swim and must be knowledgeable regarding the use of the safety supplies on board (life saving, fire fighting).
4. Emergency supplies must be appropriately stored in a clearly marked, waterproof storage space and includes one (1) small fire extinguisher (minimum 1,5 kg), one (1) smoke detector, and two (2) flares.
5. Takeoff and landing to and from the coastline is permitted only via the designated waterway (ref. Article 49).
6. Traveling and use of an Oxoon is prohibited when:
a) Distances are less than fifty (50) meters from the boundaries set for swimmers by the floating buoys in accordance to Article 48.
b) Distances are less than two hundred (200) meters from shore when at sea areas frequented by swimmers yet without floating buoys/markers.
c) Distances are greater than five (500) hundred meters from the shoreline and two nautical miles from the launching point.
d) At rocky coastal areas.
e) Before sunrise and after sunset hours.
f) Within enclosed bays or coves.
g) Wind speeds in the area are greater than four (4) Beaufort.
h) The number of riders is greater than the maximum number specified by the manufacturer.
7. If the Oxoon is equipped with an engine that can sustain maximum continuous speeds greater than 15 HP, then the operator must hold a valid motorboat license.
8. Oxoons, whether intended for personal or rental usage, must be registered with the Β.Ε.Μ.Σ. Hellenic Port Authority and must display the crafts name along with the assigned registration number on both sides of the craft in accordance with the current Port Authority provisions governing such matters. The registration process requires, among other documentation, a Declaration of Conformity form in accordance with the European Union Council directives covering recreational and personal watercraft.
9. The terms and conditions in this article, excluding paragraph 5, are also applicable and mandatory for Oxoons owned and operated for personal use.