Safe Water Sports Educational Program on Weekends at Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center
Now that summer is approaching, join us in the Mediterranean Garden, Stavros Niarchos Park, for Safe Water Sports, an opportunity to learn how to be safe while enjoying water and having fun. Swim in your imagination at the gorgeous Safe Water Sports Beach, along with your favorite Playmobil sets, and discover how to stay safe on the beach and in the water. Identify the dangers lurking on our imaginary beach, along with Octopus Safe, and tell your stories using Story Cubes.
On Saturday 17th March and on Sunday, 18th March, at 12:00 - 13:30, Safe Water Sports successfully welcomed children at Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center and showed them how to enjoy water and have fun in a safe way. The awareness of the education program signifies the commencement of the spring-summer activities that will continue at SNFCC during weekends upon future defined dates.