Safe Water Sports safety signboards installed in beaches of Mykonos and Saronikos
Safe Water Sports signboards are now a prominent feature of Mykonos and Saronicos beaches. These signs are offering warnings, safety instructions for swimming and watersports as well as general informations regarding each beach.
Congratulations to the Municipalities of Saronikos and Mykonos and the mayors, Georgios Sofronis and Konstantinos Koukas respectively, for theis decision to install Safe Water Sports signboards.
We hope that very soon our signboards will be placed to all coastal cities and islands of Greece.
These signs were designed in cooperation with AKTO college for graphic arts presenting safety guidelines for swimming and other water-related activities in a form similar to the Road Traffic Code, in Greek and English.
On 7 beaches of the Municipality of Saronikos and 16 beaches of the Municipality of Mykonos these signs were installed sponsored by big Greek companies such as: Korres, ARENA, National Bank of Greece, Goody's Burger House, Everest, Flora Super Markets, Ioannis Revythis real estate consultants, Anamnesia, Soho-Soho.
We are sure that the example of the Saronic and Mykonos Municipalities will shortly be followed by other municipalities in the country, supporting our effort to strengthen prevention and reduce accidents at sea.