Meeting with the General Secretary of Sports
The General Secretary of Sports, Mr. George Mavrotas met today with Mr.Panagiotis Paschalakis, the founder and President of Safe Water Sports.
The purpose of the meetingwas to identify ways of developing private and public sector synergies that will enhance water safety and accident/drowning prevention policies in the water.
The topics that were discussed during the meeting were: proposals about the immediate action primarily in the field of education in order to educate students, in conjunction with the school's swimming lesson, the participation in safe water sports with precaution, as well as specialized education regarding safety, for candidates who study at the schools of the General Secretary of Sports. It is necessary to work closely with Safe Water Sports in the field of mapping of recognized water sports clubs, so that citizens and competent authorities can access this information. Furthemore, it was agreed to co-operate with the Ministry of Maritime to create and update the electronic registration of coaches who are certified by the General Secretariat of Sports specializing in water sports.
Finally, there will be cooperation regarding the legislative initiatives related to the institutional framework for water sports activities.