Olympiakos supports Safe Water Sports initiative
Olympiakos, within the action "Do not stop helping", supports Safe Water Sports initiative. On Friday 5/2/2016 Mr. Paschalakis Panagiotis and Mr. Dimitrios Bonis, from Safe Water Sports, visited Olympiakos Piraeus sailing facilities and met with representatives of the Board of our association and with athletes associated with 'water' sports.
The purpose of their visit was to inform about the vision and activities of Safe Water Sports non-profit organization. On behalf of the Administration of the OSFP present were the General Director Ms. Christina Tsiligiri and Treasurer Mr. Demosthenes Lazaridis. From the swimming part this was the team manager Mrs. Spiros Bitsakis team athlete Dejan Jovanovic and the Rowing section attended the curator Mr. Anastasios Vougidis, coach Panagiotis Livanos and athletes John Aristiadis Vassilis Angelopoulos Panagiotis Parakila and Tasos Chad. The Safe Water Sports is an innovative initiative that starts on a voluntary basis, and for the first time both organized around the world. The main objective is the systematic information and awareness of society on issues related to the activities (sports and leisure) in water, with special emphasis on safety and accident prevention. The web site, www.safewatersports.gr is a comprehensive online information platform for the safety of those engaged in any activity in the water, but also for companies and professionals working in this field in our country. Olympiakos is inextricably connected with the element of water and in the context of social action, "Do not stop to help," associated with the Safe Water Sports in spreading the message, to inform and raise awareness of society on issues related to activities (sports and leisure) in the water and the sea, with particular emphasis on safety and accident prevention.
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