What we have achieved
Since our establishment we have achieved the following:
• In 2015, 80% of water sports centers didn't have a valid license (and therefore the Port Authority could not inspect their operation), whereas nowadays 100% of water sports centers are licensed and inspected on a regular basis.
• The total number of lifeguards on the beaches increased by 20% and the coverage of their positions increased by 28%, since 2015, reaching the 78%.
• The number of inspections caried out by port authorities has increased five times more (15,000 inspections on an annual basis) thanks to the Integrated Information System that was donated by Safe Water Sports.
• During 2016-2019 more than 150,000 children were informed – educated at schools while prior to 2015 such an action never existed in our country.
• Safe Water Sports created the 1st educational program regarding safety guidelines in the sea, in the swimming pool and in water sports.
• Safe Water Sports publishes, since 2017, a yearly report on sea-based accidents and drownings with full statistical analysis.
• Safe Water Sports partnered with TUV Austria Hellas to create the 1st private protocol in Europe regarding the certification of water sports centers.
• In more that 500 beaches in Greece public authorities have installed Safe Water Sports awareness signs regarding the safety regulations in the sea and in water sports
• 3 informational-awareness centers operate on beaches during summer time, giving the chance to children to participate and learn water safety guidelines at no cost
• Greece is the 1st country in the world who proclaimed the National Day for the Prevention of Sea-Based Accidents and Drownings (11th of May)
• All safety measures in the sea and in all water - related recreational activities were enhanced through multiple legislative initiatives promoted and introduced by our Organization.
• Each year:
-700,000 users are informed through social media
-100,000 new users are informed by using Safe Water Sports app
-children and adults are informed through 1,850 spots on tv
-thousands of citizens are informed through the distribution of 50,000 awareness leaflets at highways and ferries
-citizens are informed though specially targeted actions at airports in Greece and through Aegean airlines
Below you can read the Corporate Profile of the Organization: