The fairy tale "The Octopus Safe and the Three Musqueteers'
The first official presentation of the new book of the author Mr. Vangelis Iliopoulos, with illustrations of Ms. Vily Karabatzia, entitled "The Octopus Safe and the Three Musqueteers" (editor PARAKIS), took place on Wednesday, June 8, 2016, with great success.
The event that was organized by the non-profit organization Safe Water Sports, in the Alumni Association building of Athens College (SAKA) was attended by more than 150 people and children of all ages.
It was an amazing evening, dedicated to children, book and safety, with children beign the actors. During the event the children's choir of the City of Athens College sang "Water is fine," the lyrics of which was written by Vangelis Iliopoulos and music music teacher Ms. Despina Sougioul. Excerpts from the book was read by students, under the direction of Ms. A. Gkirngkinoudi.
Speakers at the event were the Dr. Paschalakis, president of Safe Water Sports, who presented the initiatives of Safe Water Sports for the education of children regarding safety in sea and watersports and the author Mr. Vangelis Iliopoulos.